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Function Categories

[CGI Functions] [Disk Functions]
[Directory Functions] [File Functions]
[Binary File I/O Functions] [ASCII Text File Functions]
[File Attribute Functions] [Visual Rexx Support Functions]
[Session, Process and Thread Functions] [Interprocess Communication Functions]
[Schedule, Date and Time Functions] [Error and Message Control Functions]
[System Information Functions] [Environment and Miscellaneous Functions]
[Keyboard Functions] [Mouse Functions]
[Screen VIO Control Functions] [Screen VIO Read/Write Functions]
[Screen VIO Drawing Functions] [RexxBOS Library Control Functions]

CGI Functions

Name Description
RgArrayFromStr fills array from a character separated string.
RgDecode URL decoding.
RgEncode encodes dangerous characters.
RgEndDoc writes tail tags and optional submit form push-buttons.
RgEntry creates entry and password fields.
RgGetEnv gets gateway environment variables.
RgGetForm gets all request variables and optionally environment variables.
RgGetFormVarValue gets a request variable by name.
RgList displays ordered and unordered lists, menus and directories
RgListBox displays single and multiple selection list boxes.
RgRadioCheck displays radio buttons and check boxes.
RgTable displays a table.
RgStartDoc displays document head and optionally form, or enables browser Rexx debugging.

[List of Function Categories]

Disk Functions

Name Description
RbQCurrDir returns the current directory for the specified disk.
RbSetDefaultDisk sets the default disk.
RbQFSInfo returns disk information.
RbSetVolLabel records volume label.
RbQVerify checks the verify mode.
RbSetVerify sets the write verification mode.
RbQDisks returns the string of available logical drive letters.
RbDiskC2N converts the disk character (letter A-Z) to the correspondent number 1-26
RbDiskN2C converts the disk number 1-26 to the correspondent character (A-Z)
RbQMaxHD searches for a disk with the largest available free space.
RbQSysInfo returns system information.
RbQDevConfig returns the system configuration.
RbQDevice function returns information about block, character and pseudocharacter devices.

[List of Function Categories]

Directory Functions

Name Description
RbQFileList returns file and/or directory name and attribute list matching the file specifications.
RbCreateDir creates the specified directory.
RbDelDir deletes a directory.
RbQCurrDir returns the current directory for the specified disk.
RbSetCurrDir defines the current directory.
RbSetPathDateTime changes file or directory date and time stamp.
RbSetPathAttrib changes file or directory attributes.
RbDelTree deletes a complete directory tree including all contained files and subdirectories.
RbQSubdirSize returns the total directory tree size including all the files and subdirectories.

[List of Function Categories]

File Functions

Name Description
RbCompare compares two files.
RbCopy copies the source file to the target file replacing or appending the target.
RbDelete deletes a file.
RbDelForce deletes a file so the file cannot be recovered.
RbDelReadOnly deletes a group of files regardless of the read/only attribute.
RbDelTree deletes a complete directory tree including all contained files and subdirectories.
RbEA enables to add, replace, delete and query the EAs (extended attributes)
RbEditName edits a character string representing the file name using pattern.
RbMaxOpenFiles defines, queries or changes the maximum number of file handles for the
RbModule allows to load, query and unload dynamic link (DLL) modules.
RbMove moves or renames files and directories.
RbQFileList returns file and/or directory name and attribute list matching the file specifications.
RbQPathInfo returns a file or a directory attributes.
RbSearchPath finds a file residing along the paths.
RbSetPathAttrib changes file or directory attributes.
RbSetPathDateTime changes file or directory date and time stamp.

[List of Function Categories]

Binary File I/O Functions

Name Description
RbClose closes a file or a pipe handle.
RbDupHandle duplicates file handles. Used for the file redirection.
RbFilePtr allows to reposition the file for the next read/write operation or
RbOpen opens file, pipe or device handle.
RbRead reads data from an open file or a pipe.
RbResetBuffer writes (flushes) the buffers to a file or a device.
RbRunRedirect runs a program redirecting its standard output to a file or pipe.
RbWrite writes data to an open file or pipe.

[List of Function Categories]

ASCII Text File Functions

Name Description
RbFindText searches an ASCII file for a string.
RbReadText reads an entire ASCII text file into a stem variable.
RbWriteText writes an entire text file to disk.

[List of Function Categories]

File Attribute Functions

Name Description
RbEA enables to add, replace, delete and query the EAs (extended attributes)
RbEditName edits a character string representing the file name using pattern.
RbQFileList returns file and/or directory name and attribute list matching the file specifications.
RbQPathInfo returns a file or a directory attributes.
RbSearchPath finds a file residing along the paths.
RbSetPathAttrib changes file or directory attributes.
RbSetPathDateTime changes file or directory date and time stamp.

[List of Function Categories]

Visual Rexx Support Functions

Name Description
RbDupHandle duplicates file handles. Used for the file redirection.
RbRunRedirect runs a program redirecting its standard output to a file or pipe.

[List of Function Categories]

Session, Process and Thread Functions

Name Description
RbBeginThread starts execution of an external REXX command file in a separate thread.
RbEnterCritSec disables thread switching for the current process.
RbEnterMustComplete disables the asynchronous exceptions like Ctrl-Break, Ctrl-C etc.
RbExecPgm starts an executable file as a separate child process.
RbExit exits a thread or a process.
RbExitCritSec restores the normal thread dispatching for the current process.
RbExitMustComplete enables the asynchronous exceptions like Ctrl-Break, Ctrl-C etc.
RbKillProcess terminates the specified process or the entire process tree
RbKillThread kills the specified thread.
RbQProcInfo returns process information.
RbResumeThread resumes the execution of a suspended thread.
RbRunRedirect runs a program redirecting its standard output to a file or pipe.
RbSetPriority changes priority of a single thread or all the threads in a process.
RbSetSes sets session parameters.
RbShutdown shuts the OS/2 down.
RbSleep suspends the current thread execution.
RbStartSes starts an independent or a child cession.
RbStopSes stops a child session.
RbSuspendThread suspends the execution of the specified thread till the RbResumeThread call is executed.
RbWaitChild suspends the current thread until an asynchronous child of the current process ends.
RbWaitThread waits for a thread termination.

[List of Function Categories]

Interprocess Communication Functions

Name Description
RbCreatePipe creates an unnamed pipe.
RbEventSem provides a signaling mechanism to assure the desired sequence of events.
RbIni allows to process ASCII INI files similar to the Microsoft Windows INIs.
RbMutexSem is used to serialize access to a shared resource by multiple threads.
RbMuxWaitSem function can be used to manipulate the multiple wait semaphores.
RbNPipe provides a set of named pipe manipulation functions.
RbQueue provides message queue manipulation functions.
RbSharedMem writes and reads REXX variables into shared memory.

[List of Function Categories]

Schedule, Date and Time Functions

Name Description
RbBeep generates sound on the PC speaker.
RbSetDate changes the system date.
RbSetTime changes the system time.
RbSleep suspends the current thread execution.
RbStartTimer starts an interval timer.
RbStopTimer stops timer.
RbWaitTill suspends thread till a specified date/time or day of the week/time.

[List of Function Categories]

Error and Message Control Functions

Name Description
RbError enables and/or disables the error pop-up notification messages.
RbErrorDescr obtains an error description from a return code.
RbMessage provides message manipulation functions.

[List of Function Categories]

System Information Functions

Name Description
RbQDevConfig returns the system configuration.
RbQDevice function returns information about block, character and pseudocharacter devices.
RbQDisks returns the string of available logical drive letters.
RbQEnvir returns the value of an environment variable for the current process.
RbQFSInfo returns disk information.
RbQMaxHD searches for a disk with the largest available free space.
RbQSysInfo returns system information.

[List of Function Categories]

Environment and Miscellaneous Functions

Name Description
RbBeep generates sound on the PC speaker.
RbGetResource obtains a module resource value.
RbIni allows to process ASCII INI files similar to the Microsoft Windows INIs.
RbModule allows to load, query and unload dynamic link (DLL) modules.
RbQAppType returns information about a DLL, an executable or a device driver.
RbQCP queries the current process code page and prepared code pages.
RbSetCP sets the process code page.

[List of Function Categories]

Keyboard Functions

Name Description
RkCodePage queries the code page being used to translate keyboard scan codes to ASCII characters.
RkFlush clears the keystroke buffer.
RkGetChar returns any available character from the keyboard with or without removing it.
RkGetStatus returns the current state of the keyboard.
RkGetStr reads a string from the keyboard.
RkSetCp sets code page for the logical keyboard.
RkSetStatus changes the keyboard status.

[List of Function Categories]

Mouse Functions

Name Description
RmClose closes the mouse device for the current session.
RmDrawPtr notifies the mouse device driver to start drawing mouse pointer.
RmFlushQue removes all the events from the mouse event queue.
RmGetEventMask returns the current value of the mouse event queue mask.
RmGetNum returns number of mouse buttons, number of mickeys etc.
RmGetPtrPos obtains the mouse pointer position.
RmGetScale obtains scaling factors for the mouse.
RmGetStatus obtains the mouse status.
RmOpen opens the mouse device for the current session.
RmReadEventQue obtains mouse events.
RmRemovePtr notifies the mouse device driver not to draw mouse pointer.
RmSetEventMask assigns a new event mask affecting events put in the mouse event queue.
RmSetPtrPos sets new mouse pointer coordinates.
RmSetScale assigns a new pair of scaling factors.
RmSetStatus sets the mouse status flags for the installed mouse device driver.

[List of Function Categories]

Screen VIO Control Functions

Name Description
RvCodePage returns the display code page.
RvGetConfig obtains the video display configuration.
RvIsAnsi returns ANSI On/Off status.
RvMode gets the video mode information or changes the video mode.
RvPopUp opens and closes pop-up screen.
RvScroll scrolls the entire display or area specified within the display buffer up, down, left or right.
RvSetAnsi activates or deactivates ANSI support.
RvSetCP sets the code page used to display text data on the screen.

[List of Function Categories]

Screen VIO Read/Write Functions

Name Description
RvGetCurPos obtains the cursor row and column.
RvGetCurType returns the cursor type.
RvReadStr reads a string of characters or character-attribute pairs (cells) from the screen, starting at the specified location.
RvSetCurPos sets the cursor's coordinates on the screen.
RvSetCurType sets the cursor type.
RvTTY displays a character string starting at the current cursor position and then repositions the cursor after the end of the string.
RvTTYL displays a character string starting at the current cursor position and then repositions the cursor to the next line.
RvWriteStr displays string at the specified screen position using default or specified character attribute.

[List of Function Categories]

Screen VIO Drawing Functions

Name Description
RvAttr writes an attribute (foreground and background colors and intensity) to a rectangular area.
RvBox draws boxes with borders of different shape and color.
RvCls clears the screen and optionally changes background color.
RvFill fills in a rectangle with a fill character and optionally changes the color attribute inside the rectangle.
RvLine draws vertical or horizontal lines of different shape.
RvMakeAttr returns a color attribute using foreground and background color composition.
RvSetIntensity toggles background intensity between high intensity and blinking.

[List of Function Categories]

RexxBOS Library Control Functions

Name Description
RxLoadFuncs adds all external RexxBOS functions to REXX function set.
RxDropFuncs unloads all RexxBOS functions so they become unknown to REXX.
RxVersFuncs returns RexxBOS version.

[List of Function Categories]

Note. Several Control Program functions are listed under two categories because they semantically belong to more then one category.

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